How to Call the Horse in Elden Ring ▷➡️ (2024)

The long-awaited open world video game, Elden Ring, has captivated fantasy and role-playing game fans since its announcement. Developed by FromSoftware and collaborating closely with famous author George RR Martin, this title promises to offer an epic and vast experience that players will be able to explore in depth. One of the most exciting features from Elden Ring is the ability to ride a horse, allowing players to move quickly through this vast world and face the challenges presented to them. In this article, we are going to delve into the fascinating realm of Elden Ring and explain how to call on your faithful equine companion to embark on your next adventure.

1. Introduction to the horse calling mechanic in Elden Ring

The mechanics of calling the horse in Elden Ring is a key feature of the game that allows players to call upon their trusty equine companion to roam the vast open world. This command is vital for efficient exploration of the game and can also be used in combat to move quickly or ram enemies. Here it is All you need to know about this mechanic and how to use it correctly.

1. Locate the horse call icon on the interface: At the bottom of the screen, you will find a specific icon to call your horse. It can be an image of a stylized horse head or simply the figure of the animal. Be sure to familiarize yourself with his appearance so you can easily locate him during your adventures.

2. Press and hold the horse call button: Once you locate the horse call icon on the interface, press and hold the corresponding button to activate the call. This button may vary depending on the platform you're playing on, so be sure to check the specific controls if you're unsure.

3. Wait for the arrival of your horse: After pressing the horse call button, you must wait a few seconds for your faithful companion to arrive. During this time, the game will display an animation or indicator showing you that the call has been received and your horse is on its way. Once your horse arrives, you can mount it and begin enjoying the benefits of this transportation mechanic.

2. Know the different ways to call the horse in Elden Ring

In Elden Ring, one of the most important aspects is mobility and speed in moving around the vast game world. One of the best ways to move quickly is on the back of your faithful companion, the horse. Here we present the different ways to call your horse in Elden Ring so you can get around efficiently:

  • Using the whistle: One of the most common ways to call your horse is by using the whistle. Simply select the whistle in your inventory and press the corresponding button. This will make the horse come to your call as long as he is within a reasonable distance.
  • Modify the tone of the whistle: You can experiment with changing the tone of the whistle to get your horse's attention. Some horses respond better to higher pitches, while others prefer lower pitches. Try different shades to find what works best for your horse.
  • Assign a shortcut: A convenient way to call your horse in Elden Ring is to assign a shortcut to the horse's call. You can do this in the settings menu, selecting the “Shortcuts” option and assigning a specific button. This way, you can call your horse with the push of a button.

Be sure to practice these different ways to call your horse in Elden Ring so you can make the most of the mobility and speed it offers you. Remember that a good bond with your horse is key to having him respond quickly to your call, so spend time training him and strengthening that relationship. Explore the vast world of elden ring ride on your faithful companion and live exciting adventures!

3. Mastering the horse call: Essential tips

To master the call to the horse effectively, it is essential to follow some essential tips. Here are three key recommendations:

1. Establish good communication: Before initiating the call to the horse, it is necessary to establish solid communication between the rider and the horse. This involves using clear and precise signals, such as rein movements, body weight and leg contact. It is also important to maintain correct posture and proper balance to facilitate communication with the horse.

2. Use progressive training: Calling the horse is a process that requires time and patience. It is advisable to start with simple exercises and then gradually increase the difficulty. This allows the horse to understand the signals and learn to respond appropriately. In addition, it is important to reward the horse every time he responds correctly to the call, whether with petting, words of encouragement or treats.

3. Practice regularly: As with any skill, consistency is key to mastering horse calling. It is advisable to establish a regular training routine, both on the track and in open spaces. During practice, it is essential to focus on the quality of communication and not just the quantity of repetitions. Additionally, different exercises and challenges can be used to keep the horse engaged and motivated.

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4. Exploring horse calling options in Elden Ring

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In Elden Ring, exploring horse calling options is essential to navigating the game's vast landscapes. Below are some tips and tricks To make the most of the different options available:

  • First, make sure you have unlocked the horse riding skill in the game. This is usually accomplished through a specific quest or achievement.
  • Once you've unlocked the ability, you can call your horse from any location by pressing the [X] key on your controller or the assigned call button on the keyboard.
  • If your horse is close enough, it will respond to your call and come closer to you so you can ride it. If he is far away, you will have to wait a little longer before he reaches you.
  • Remember that you can also change the speed of your horse while riding. This will allow you to travel faster in a straight line or slow down to maneuver over difficult terrain.

In short, making the most of the horse calling options in Elden Ring will help you explore the game world efficiently. Make sure you unlock the horse riding skill, call your horse from any location and even adjust the speed according to your needs. With these tips, you will be ready to face any challenge that comes your way on your journey through the vast landscapes of Elden Ring.

5. The importance of the relationship with the horse in Elden Ring

The riding system in Elden Ring is central to the gameplay experience and has a significant impact on exploration and combat. The relationship with the horse is not limited to simply riding and moving around the vast open world, but it also plays a crucial role in combat, allowing the player to execute mounted attacks and take advantage of the horse's special abilities.

One of the main advantages of having a good relationship with your horse is the ability to move quickly around the map and cover large distances in a short time. This is especially useful when exploring large areas and looking to complete side quests. Additionally, the horse can also be used to charge into enemies, dealing additional damage and interrupting their attacks.

It is important to spend time cultivating a strong relationship with your horse. This can be achieved by interacting with him regularly, feeding him and brushing him. In addition, you can also improve your relationship by carrying out joint activities, such as participating in races or overcoming obstacles. The more time and effort you invest in strengthening this relationship, the greater the benefits you will reap in terms of mobility and combat capability.

6. Unraveling the secrets of calling the horse in Elden Ring

Unraveling the secrets of horse calling in Elden Ring can be a challenge for players new to the game. Fortunately, there are several steps and techniques that can make this process easier. Below, we'll detail some tips and tricks to help you master the art of horse calling in Elden Ring.

1. Identify the necessary item: In Elden Ring, you will need the item “Horse Call Key” to be able to summon your faithful equestrian. This item can be found in different locations on the map, such as in chests or by defeating certain enemies. Make sure you search every possible area to find the key.

2. Equip the Horse Call Key: Once you have obtained the key, be sure to equip it in your character's inventory. Go to the equipment menu and select the option to equip the key. This will allow it to be ready to use when you need it.

7. Advanced strategies to call the horse efficiently in Elden Ring

One of the key abilities in Elden Ring is the ability to call upon your horse to quickly move around the game's vast open world. However, many players may find it difficult to perform this task. efficient way. In this section, we will provide you with some advanced strategies to help you call your horse. an effective form.

1. Use whistles to your advantage: In Elden Ring, you have the option of making different types of whistles to call your horse. Experiment with different tones and sounds to find what works best for you. Some players have found that short, high-pitched whistles are most effective in getting the horse's attention, while others prefer long whistles. Try different combinations and find the one that is most efficient for you.

2. Be aware of line of sight: Make sure you have a clear line of sight to your horse when calling him. If there are obstacles or difficult terrain between you and the horse, it may not hear you or take longer to arrive. Try to position yourself in a place where you can see your horse clearly to ensure that he can see you and quickly respond to your call.

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8. Improving your horse calling skills in Elden Ring

Taming and effectively using your trusty steed can make all the difference in your Elden Ring gaming experience. Horse calling is an essential skill that will allow you to move quickly through the vast game world and face challenges more effectively. Here are some tips and tricks to improve your horse calling skills in Elden Ring.

1. Know your horse: Before you begin using horse calling, it is important to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and abilities of your equine companion. Observe his speed, stamina, and ability to navigate obstacles and adjust your strategy accordingly. Every horse is different, so take your time to understand how to optimally interact with yours.

2. Train regularly: Constant practice is key to improving your horse calling skills. Spend time riding and training your horse in different situations. Practice speed, direction and jumping to perfect your movements. Plus, take advantage of opportunities to explore the world on horseback, helping you discover shortcuts and faster routes.

3. Use the appropriate commands: Learning and mastering the correct commands is essential to getting the most out of horse calling in Elden Ring. Make sure you know the game controls and how to use them to guide your horse efficiently. Experiment with different combinations of commands to achieve movements that suit your needs in each situation.

9. Overcoming the Horse Call Challenges in Elden Ring

In Elden Ring, horse calling is a fundamental mechanic for exploring and navigating the game's vast world. However, overcoming the challenges associated with this skill can be difficult for some players. Here we present a guide Step by Step to help you master horse calling in Elden Ring.

1. Obtain the Horse Call skill

Before you start using Horse Call, you need to make sure you have unlocked this skill. During the course of the game, you will have the opportunity to acquire a mount and learn the horse calling skill. Follow the main quests and complete the necessary challenges to obtain this ability.

2. Equip the mount and learn the commands

Once you've unlocked the Horse Call skill, be sure to equip the corresponding mount in your inventory. This will allow you to use the horse call when you need it. Next, familiarize yourself with the commands associated with this skill. Generally, a specific button on the control will be used to summon the horse and another to dismount.

3. Use the call to the horse strategically

To optimize your horse calling experience in Elden Ring, it's important to use it strategically. For example, if you are far from your destination, you can summon the horse to speed up the journey. However, you must also take into account the terrain and possible obstacles. Avoid summoning the horse in narrow areas or with many obstacles to avoid accidents.

10. Boosting your gaming experience with the call to the horse in Elden Ring

One of the most exciting features of Elden Ring is the horse call, which allows you to quickly move around the game's vast open world. This unique mechanic gives you a completely new gaming experience and allows you to explore the environment in a more efficient way. Here are some tips and tricks to maximize your Horse Call gaming experience in Elden Ring:

1. Learn to call your horse: To summon your trusty steed, you simply have to use the designated button on your controller. Make sure you have it assigned to an accessible key so you can quickly call your horse at any time. Practice pressing the button several times to become familiar with the process.

2. Master navigation on horseback: Once you've called your horse, you'll experience a whole new way of navigation. Make sure you stay on the main paths to avoid obstacles and difficult terrain. Use the mini map to plot your route and follow the indicator arrows to guide you in the right direction.

11. Analyzing the best times to use the horse call in Elden Ring

Analyzing the best times to use the horse call in Elden Ring is essential to maximize efficiency and mobility in the game. Below are some important tips and considerations to keep in mind:

  • Exploration and movement in large areas: The horse call is especially useful when the player needs to move quickly through vast landscapes or open areas. Riding a horse saves time and energy, avoiding long walks and speeding up exploration.
  • Combat Strategies: During confrontations against powerful enemies or bosses, calling the horse at the right time can be an effective strategy. By using the horse as a means of transportation, it is possible to quickly escape from dangerous situations or get away from enemies pursuing the player.
  • Recovery of points of interest: Horse calling can also be used to quickly return to previously discovered points of interest, such as shops, camps, or save points. This allows the player to save time and take full advantage of the features and services offered at those specific locations.
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12. Horse Call: A Key Tool in Elden Ring Combat

In Elden Ring, the horse plays a crucial role in combat and exploration of the vast world around us. Its call is a key tool that allows us to invoke it at any time and place, providing us with a significant tactical advantage in various situations. Here we'll show you how to get the most out of this essential in-game tool.

To perform the Horse Call in Elden Ring, you will need to have the Horse Call skill equipped in your skill bar. You can assign this skill to one of the hot buttons for easy use during gameplay. Once equipped, simply press the assigned button to summon the horse at any time.

It is important to note that the horse cannot be summoned in all areas of the game. Some areas may restrict horse use due to impassable terrain or specific circ*mstances. However, in most open areas, you will be able to use Horse Call to move quickly, escape enemies, or even ambush your opponents. Make the most of this strategic tool to improve your Elden Ring gaming experience.

13. Expressions and gestures to perfect calling the horse in Elden Ring

To perfect the horse call in Elden Ring, it is essential to master the appropriate expressions and gestures. These actions will allow you to effectively communicate with your mount in-game and maximize your mobility and speed. Below are some key recommendations to achieve this.

1. Body posture: Maintain an upright and relaxed posture when calling the horse. This will convey confidence and facilitate connection with the virtual animal. Avoid tension in the body and make sure you have your hands free and clear to perform the necessary gestures.

2. Verbal expressions: Use clear and concise commands when addressing the horse. Avoid complex or ambiguous sentences that may cause confusion. Use words like "come", "quickly" or "stop" clearly and with a decisive tone of voice. Remember that the game can recognize certain voice commands, so it is essential to pronounce the words clearly and without distractions.

14. Call to the Horse: Exploring the Limitations and Possibilities in Elden Ring

Elden Ring is a highly anticipated action role-playing game that combines the expertise of renowned developer FromSoftware with renowned author George RR Martin. One of the most exciting features of this game is the ability to call and ride horses to explore the vast game world. However, this mechanic also has both limitations and possibilities that players must take into account.

One of the most important limitations when summoning the horse in Elden Ring is the need for open space for its summoning. You won't be able to summon your steed in closed or narrow areas, so it's crucial to find suitable, open areas to summon it. On the other hand, this limitation offers interesting tactical possibilities, since you can use the environment to your advantage to call the horse in strategic places and take advantage of its speed and ability to quickly avoid obstacles.

Additionally, it is important to note that the horse in Elden Ring is not only a means of transportation, but also a valuable resource in combat. You can perform attacks while riding a horse, which can be extremely useful in confrontations against powerful enemies. However, it is essential to master the mechanics of combat on horseback to make the most of this advantage. Don't forget to practice your combat skills on your steed to become a true expert rider in Elden Ring!

In conclusion, mastering the art of horse calling in Elden Ring is essential to being able to move quickly through this vast world. By following the detailed steps and practicing patiently, players will be able to summon their faithful equine companion at any time and in any situation.

It is important to remember that the horse in Elden Ring will not only be a quick form of transportation, but also a strategic tool during combat and exploration. Making the most of your abilities and being attentive to your behavior will be essential to overcome the challenges that arise.

In addition, it is essential to take into account the different interactions with the environment and weather conditions, as they can affect the call to the horse and its movement. Staying adapted to changes and learning to use the advantages of the terrain will be key to moving efficiently.

Lastly, as with the entire game, practice and experience will be crucial to perfecting your horse calling techniques. Don't be discouraged if you encounter difficulties at first, persevere and you will see how it improves over time!

In short, calling the horse in Elden Ring not only involves learning a game mechanic, but also developing a special connection with this animal. So get ready to live great adventures on the back of your faithful steed as you travel through the vast and dangerous territories of this mysterious world. Good luck, brave explorer!

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How to Call the Horse in Elden Ring ▷➡️ (1)

Sebastian Vidal

I am Sebastián Vidal, a computer engineer passionate about technology and DIY. Furthermore, I am the creator of, where I share tutorials to make technology more accessible and understandable for everyone.

How to Call the Horse in Elden Ring ▷➡️ (2024)


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